Friday, 1 April 2011

funny videos xxx :P

Here are some funny videos xxx
Hope you like them! xxx
Have your laughing caps on ;) xxx

Sneezing panda

Snake in the toilet

Funny snake video

Charlie bit me :( (sorry bit old)

Camping disaster

hope you liked them some are LoL !

Friendship xxx

I thought of doing this post because friendship is the most important thing !

Friends are the most special thing ever, a good friend is ....
  • Someone who is always there for you.
  • Kind and loving
  • Someone how puts you there before boyfriends/girl friends
  • is like a sister
  • always make you laugh

Smoking !!!

I know my blog is meant to be about celebrities but i feel like i need to say something about something that everyone thinks is wicked!!.....


For a start here is some points and things about smoking
  • It isn't cool
  • too much money could be on tickets or shoes or for a boy- a football match
  • there is better things to do then smoke
  • if you want to be a footballer they might not accept you because your health is letting you down because you are not fit enough.
What is in a Cigarette? ...


What is in a Cigarette?

       Acetic Acid (Corrosive to respiratory tract)
       Acetone (used in nail polish removers.)
       Ammonia. (Used in floor and toilet cleaners)
       Arsenic (a poison)
       Cadmium (Car battery Fluid)
       Carbon Monoxide (interferes with the supply of oxygen in the blood to the rest of the body)
       DDT/ dielderon (Insecticides)
       Ethanol (Alcohol)
       Formalin (used in preserving human tissue and fabric)
       Hexamine (used in explosive compounds)
       Hydrogen Cyanide (Poison)
       Methane (Petroleum Gas) )
       Naphthalene (used in moth balls)
       Nicotine (Schedule 6 Poison)
       Nitro Benzene (a petrol additive)
       Phenols (used in disinfectants)
       Stearic Acid (used in candle wax)
       Toluene (Industrial solvent)
       Vinyl Chloride (used in PVC)
What is a cigarette?
A cigarette is a small roll of finely cut tobacco leaves wrapped in a cylinder of thin paper for smoking. Its smoke is inhaled from the other end, which is held in or to the mouth and in some cases a cigarette holder may be used as well. Most modern manufactured cigarettes are filtered and include reconstituted tobacco and other additives.
There are nearly 4000 chemicals in a cigarette. At least 43 of the ingredients are carcinogenic (cancer causing).
How can smoking effects your health?
Although the negative health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be debated, it remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths.  Each year, over 430,000 people die as a result of a smoking related disease. Yet, over 50 million continue to smoke, including over 3 million teens. An estimated three thousand teenagers begin to smoke each day, and one thousand of them will eventually die as a result.  According to the American Lung Association, cigarette smoking leads to 87% of lung cancers, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.  Healthcare and lost productivity costs of $97.2 billion dollars per years arise from smoking related illnesses. Cigarettes contain over 19 known cancer-causing chemicals in addition to nicotine.


Here’s why cigarette smoke causes so much damage to our bodies. While nicotine itself isn't thought to be carcinogenic, the highly addictive drug is toxic and potentially lethal in large doses. Long-term smokers have a much higher risk of developing a host of life threatening diseases. Just about any cancer you can think of, including cancer of the lung, mouth, nose, voice box, lip, tongue, nasal sinus, esophagus, throat, pancreas, bone marrow, kidney, cervix, liver, bladder and stomach can result from smoking.

A little picture !